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Preface For Instructors

Features of the text.

The book is organized into Modules. You can think of a module as a chapter in a textbook.
In a TBIL course, each module starts with a Readiness Assurance Process to check understanding of and and solidify prerequisite knowledge (from other courses or previous modules) that will be needed in the upcoming module. The front page for each module provides a list of these Readiness Assurance outcomes, along with study resources and exercise students can use to refresh themselve on this prerequisite knowledge. Readiness Assurance Tests that assess this knowledge are available as part of the TBIL Resource Libary (see TBIL Resource Library). Join the TBIL community (see Community and Support) to gain access to these.
Within each module there is a varying amount of sections, one per learning outcome. Each section is designed to guide students into being able to demonstrate their understanding of that specific outcome. The learning outcome can be tested with a CheckIt Exercise, which are linked at the end of each section.
Within each section, students engage in Activities, which are interpersed with definitions, theorems, remarks, examples, etc. as needed to guide the learning process. The activities start in an exploratory way then building the concepts on the results of this exploration. The concepts are then practiced with less scaffolding to build fluency. Finally, towards the end of the section we connect the concepts and extend them to new settings.
Each section/learning outcome is designed with an exercise, a specific set of tasks, that the students need to be able to solve to demonstrate their competency. Virtually limitless randomized versions of the exercise can be generated via CheckIt to build a problem bank and allow for reassessment.

Community and Support.

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Implementation of these materials is supported by a TBIL community of practice which offers both formal and informal professional devlopmentopportunities. The best way to connect with us is on our Slack workspace
These materials are a product of our TBIL community. Feedback and suggestions for improvements are most welcome, either through our GitHub Repository
or the Slack workspace